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BSBinn601 lead and manage organisational change written responses and project

BSBinn601 lead and manage organisational change written responses and project

BSBinn601 lead and manage organisational change written responses and project

Question Description

BSBINN601 Lead and Manage Organisational ChangeAssessment Task 1 – Written responses and Project

Provide answers to all of the questions below:1. Explain the key phases of a change management process.2. Explain three reasons why an organisation might initiate change.3. Explain force-field analysis as a model for understanding the change process4. Explain the key premises of the Burke & Litwin organisational change model and itsapplication to the change process.5. Discuss the purpose of Kotter’s 8-step change model and the steps involved. Explaineach of the steps involved.6. Explain two strategies that can be used to effectively communicate and embed changeduring an organisational change process.7. Explain how external environment can impact on change strategies.8. Explain the importance of a participative management style when implementingorganisation change.9. Explain two aspects of organisational behaviours that can impact on organisationalchange.10. Describe five components that may be included as part of a change management plan.11. Explain three reasons why individuals or groups within an organisation may resistchange. Include at least one suggestion of how resistance can be overcome for each ofthe areas you identify.12. Discuss at least three barriers to organisational change.13. Discuss at least two strategies to address barriers to organizational change. PART B

Task summaryThis assessment task requires you, in the role of Operations Manager, to prepare a briefing report toassist in guiding change at Samson Media. You will meet with the CEO (roleplayed by your assessor)to discuss the company’s change management requirements.You will then be required to develop a Change Management Plan, as well as a Communication andEducation Plan.This assessment will be completed in the simulated environment in the RTO.Required• Computer with Microsoft Office and access to the internet• Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures• Termination Policy and Procedures• Change Management Briefing Report Template• Change Management Plan Template• Communication and Education Plan Template.• Meeting space• Roleplay participant (assessor)Submit• Change management briefing report• Draft change management plan and your draft communication and education plan• Updated change management plan and updated communication and education planAssessment criteriaFor students’ performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, they mustsatisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completedthey will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Carefully read the following:

Samson Media is a publisher of several upmarket fashion magazines. It has strong links with anumber of high profile fashion houses whose products are featured in the magazines, and alsoprovide a significant source of advertising revenue. Readers of the magazines are predominantly 35 –54-year-old women.Readership has fallen over the last two years. This is due in the most part to due to competition froma range of other fashion magazines and consumers switching to digital media. Due to the decline inreadership, profits have also fallen by 20% and there has also been a decrease in the share price.As a consequence, the new CEO, Amir Johnson, has been appointed. Amir was the former MarketingDirector for a well-known successful media business that included a national newspaper, magazinesand a subscription television channel. Those publications are focused mainly on sport and celebritygossip. It is able to undercut its competitors with low prices, enabled by a ruthless approach toachieving high levels of efficiency.Amir and his team of Managers have developed a Strategic Plan that includes the followingobjectives.• Increase return on capital to 8% within 2 years• Enact a transformational change of the company that will convert all magazines to a digitalformat.• Close the printing and distribution site.• Achieve cost efficiencies through relocating the head office to a smaller office.• Restructure head office staff through moving to a smaller core of permanent staff and morecontract staff.It is intended that the new digital magazines will have the following features:• Focus on health and beauty, fashion and celebrity gossip.• Some free content but full access available only on a subscription basis.• Additional features available to subscribers such as video clips, podcasts and discussionCurrent staff information is as follows. All staff are full-time permanent staff and their total salarycosts per annum to Samson Media are also included below.• General Manager: $200,000• Finance Manager: $150,000• Marketing Manager: $150,000• Customer service manager: $100,000• Customer service assistant: $240,000 (total salary costs for each journalist is $80,000) (2) -$100,000 (total salary costs for each assistance is $50,000)• Online Marketing Coordinator: $120,000 Human Resources Manager: $110,000• Editor: $85,000• Art Editor: $80,000• Journalists (3): $270,000 (total salary costs for each journalist is $90,000)• Graphic designers (2): $240,000 (total salary costs for each journalist is $80,000)• Editing Assistant (2): $120,000 (total salary costs for each assistance is $60,000)• Photographer (2): $150,000 (total salary costs for each assistance is $75,000)• Senior Designer (2): $260,000 (total salary costs for each journalist is $120,000)• Senior Production Controller: $95,000• Printing and distribution (20 staff): Total $1,000, 000The cost of running the printing and distribution site, plus staff costs is currently approximately$1,500,000 per annum. It has been identified that, given the change to the new medium ofpublication, it will be an immediate priority to shut down the site and make all of the staff redundant.The current office rent is $500,000 per annum.Employment contracts are in place for all staff members employed in Head Office. Printing anddistribution workers are employed under an award. The CEO has indicated that he is interested inmoving towards an enterprise agreement arrangement for all remaining staff and would like to havethis reviewed as part of the change management process.Current human resources policies and procedure include a recruitment, selection and inductionpolicy and procedure and a termination policy and procedure. There is an ad-hoc performance reviewprocess in place which occurs as issues arise. There are no formal processes for training needsanalysis or professional development.As the General Manager, you have been asked to lead the development and implementation of thechange management plan, with the first step being to consult with an organisational change expertto discuss issues and strategies for change management for the company.It is anticipated that, while there will be some cost savings in making the change, there will also becosts involved including:• Redundancies: anticipated cost is $300,000• Upskilling staff: $100,000• Consulting with experts: $100,000• Communication throughout change with key stakeholders: $100,000

Complete the following activities:

1. Research best practice change management strategiesThoroughly review the case study information provided above. Analyse the company’sorganisational objectives and consider the strategic changes needs that will need tooccur based on strategic objectives.Review Samson Media’s current human resources policy and procedures, their strategicobjectives and the need for change. In the light of the changes required to theorganisation, consider changes that may need to be made to the human resourcespolicies and procedures. Make notes for use in your briefing report.Using the Internet, research change management, issues and practices, including barriersthat can impact on change, and best practice change management strategies. Makenotes for inclusion in your briefing report and to assist you in identifying best practicechange management strategies for Samson Media.You will also need to identify the sources of the information you access for your briefingreport to show that you have identified expert guidance on change management. So,make notes on all the sources of information you identify and use. You should identify atleast three sources of information that could be considered to be expert sources.Monitor Samson Media’s external environment by researching and analysing trends inmagazine publishing and online magazine readership, and their impact on SamsonMedia’s organisational objectives as set out in the scenario information. This should alsoinclude a PESTLE analysis, reviewing political, economic, social, technology, legal andenvironmental factors. Make notes on the sources of information and your generalfindings for inclusion in your briefing report.Consider major operational change requirements and recommended order of prioritybased on your review of the scenario information and human resources policy andprocedures. Make notes for use in your report.

2. Develop change management briefing reportThe purpose of the change management report is to identify change requirements andopportunities and to inform the development of the change management plan.The report will also include a section on risk management to ensure that the company isready for all contingencies.Use the Briefing Report Template to guide your work.Your briefing report must address:• An overview of the current situation facing Samson Industries including:o Analysis of the company’s organisational objectives and identification ofstrategic changes needs. o A review of the current human resources policies and procedures and practicesat Samson Media against strategic objectives and report on required changes.• An analysis of the external environment relevant to Samson Media and its objectives,including events/trends that impact on strategic objectives, including trends inmagazine publishing, as well as trends in on-line magazine readership. Your analysisshould reflect a PESTLE analysis approach, reviewing political, economic, social,technology, legal and environmental factors.• An outline of the major operational change requirements for Samson Media based onyour analysis and review, as well as recommended priorities for change.• Sources of information you identified about best practice change managementstrategies, as well as an overview of best practice change management strategies.Summarise each source of information and briefly outline how it has assisted inidentifying major change requirements and opportunities.• A cost-benefit analysis of the high priority change requirements and opportunities.Research and document any costs for the change requirements you arerecommending.• Recommended communication and education strategies to inform all stakeholders ofthe change, as well as promote the benefits of the change.• Risk analysis of the potential risks/barriers to change for Samson Media andstrategies to overcome risks and barriers to change. In identifying risks and barriersto change and solutions to address these, you must demonstrate high level problemsolving skills to identify all possible risks, as well as innovative approaches to riskmitigation.•

3. Send an email to the CEO and Senior Management (your assessor).The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate(polite, business-like) style.It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask for anappointment to discuss the report and to provide input into the change managementprocess.Attach your change management briefing report to the email.

4. Participate in a meeting with the CEO (your assessor)You are required to participate in a roleplay meeting to discuss your briefing report andrisk assessment prior to developing a change management project plan andcommunication and education planAt the meeting, carefully explain each part of your briefing report and risk assessment,including best practice change management strategies and the expert sources of adviceyou identified to establish the best practice change management strategies.

Seek input on the change requirements/opportunities you have identified, including yourrecommended priorities for the changes.Your assessor will provide you with feedback, which you must use in the development ofthe change management plan, as well as communication and education plan.During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:• Speaking clearly and concisely• Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding• Asking questions to identify required information• Responding to questions as required• Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

5. Write a draft Change Management PlanYour plan should set out all aspects of the recommended changes, and include thefollowing:• An introduction: project background, links to the company’s strategic goals and otherchanges that are occurring in the company• The project sponsor• The project’s objectives• What the change process will achieve• Principles that underpin the change plan• Ethical issues that need to be considered• Main elements of the Change Plan• Change drivers, constraints and risks• Key shareholder analysis• The company’s readiness to change• Key change messages• Change elements• A change plan• Project reporting arrangements• How the changes will be consolidated• How the changes will be evaluatedUse the Change Management Plan Template to guide your work.

6. Write a draft Communication and Education PlanDevelop a communication and education plan to be used in conjunction with the changemanagement project plan.

This plan should show how the change will be managed, including the provision ofinformation to staff about the proposed changes and benefits.Ensure that the strategies you develop are designed to promote the benefits of changeto staff and to reduce the likelihood of a negative response/adverse outcomes.Your communication and education plan should also show the reporting process tosenior management, which will be required on a regular basis.Use the Communication and Education Plan Template to guide your work.

7. Send an email to the CEO and Senior Management (assessor).Assume you need to gain input from and approval of the CEO and Senior Management.Send an email that introduces and summarise the contents of the draft changemanagement plan and your draft communication and education plan, and ask for theirinput and approval for the to move forward with the project.The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate(polite, business-like) style.Attach your draft change management plan and your draft communication and educationplan to the email.

8. Update your change management planYour assessor in the role of the CEO and Senior Management will provide you withfeedback which you must use to modify your change management plan, incorporatingthe changes suggested.Name this new document accordingly.

9. Update your communication and education planYour assessor in the role of the CEO and Senior Management will provide you withfeedback which you must use to modify your communication and education plan,incorporating the changes suggested.Name this new document accordingly.

10. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate(polite, business-like) style.The email text should confirm that you will proceed with the plan now that the requiredchanges have been made

PART CTask summary

This assessment task requires you to implement the change management strategy by preparing anddelivering a presentation to Samson Media staff. The presentation should provide information onthe changes that will be implemented for Samson Media, and how they will affect staff. The staff willalso be given the opportunity to give some input into the process.You will then include their ideas to update your change management plan and your communicationand education plan.Required• Computer with Microsoft Office and access to the internet• Change management plan (developed in assessment task 2)• Communication and education plan (developed in assessment task 2)• Presentation space with chairs and a projector• Roleplay participantsSubmit• Email with Change management presentation attached• Email with finalised change management plan and finalised communication and educationplan attached.Assessment criteriaFor students’ performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, they mustsatisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completedthey will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Complete the following activities:

1. Create a Change management presentationDevelop a presentation to assist in informing employees about the change managementplan that you developed in Assessment Task 2, as well as the communication andeducation plan to be adopted during the change management process.The purpose of the presentation is to ensure that employees are fully informed and havethe opportunity to contribute to the change management process.Review Kotter’s 8-Step change model to assist you in developing a presentation that willappeal to staff and will promote acceptance of the change.Ensure that you are providing comprehensive information to staff to assist them toaccept the changes.During the presentation, allow for some time when staff have the opportunity for input,as this will facilitate acceptance of the change.This will relate to the risk control treatments that you identified in your briefing report.Your presentation should include graphics such as images, charts and tables.You must develop the required number of slides to support a presentation of about 30minutes.The presentation you develop must clearly outline:• The rationale and vision for the change• The benefits of the change• Impacts of the change on operations• Strategies to be adopted to minimise the negative effects on staff. This should alsoinclude an outline of the proposed arrangements for redundancies and therestructuring of current jobs in head office.

2. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate(polite, business-like) style.It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment, and seek theirfeedbackAttach your completed Change management presentation to the email.Your assessor will advise you of the date and time that your presentation is to take place.

Deliver your presentationUsing the Change management presentation that you have developed, deliver apresentation to staff. Your assessor will be present as one of the staff members and willalso organise another 2 or 3 other students to attend.At the outset of the presentation, indicate that the team will be able to ask questionsduring and at the end of the presentation. Also inform staff that you would like tobrainstorm further change management ideas at the end of the session.Go through each of your power point slides, explaining the changes and the changemanagement process. You should also describe the communication and educationactivities that you have planned.You must provide comprehensive information, outlining the coming changes to assiststaff in accepting the changes. You must also provide the opportunity for their input,which will also facilitate their acceptance of change.Bear in mind that there will be some sensitivities, as the changes will require job losses.Your assessor will roleplay a staff member who is upset with the changes, and you will beexpected to respond to that staff member using effective communication and problemsolving skills.During the presentation, demonstrate effective communication skills including:• Speaking clearly and concisely• Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding• Asking questions to identify required information• Responding to questions as required• Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding of issues and questionsraised by employees.At the conclusion of your presentation, seek feedback from staff on the changes that willbe implemented for Samson Media. Ask them for their ideas to inform your changemanagement plan and your communication and education plan. Take notes on thisfeedback.

4. Finalise your change management plan and your communication and education plan.These updates should include the feedback that came out in the meeting.Ensure that the finalised documents are named accordingly.

5. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate(polite, business-like) style.

The email text should give a summary of the meeting, and the changes that you havemade to the attachments.Attach your finalised change management plan and your finalised communication andeducation plan to the email.

Carefully read the following:

Assume that the change management plan that was adopted by Samson Media includes training anddevelopment for staff in a number of areas. One of these training areas is change management teambuilding, which is considered to be especially important during the change management process.The training is to be delivered over an eight-week period for approximately 2 hours a week. You havealso identified that experts such as motivational speakers could also be hired for this.You have also been given the task, in the role of Operations Manager, to send a brief to the humanresources department. This brief will be used to guide human resources personnel in regard toorganising the change management team building training and to give your ideas about the contentthat should be included in the training.Assume that, as you also believe there may be resistance to the training due to a general resistanceto the changes, that you also develop a staff communication to promote the benefits of theupcoming training and assessment to assist in overcoming resistance to change.Complete the following activities:

1. Develop a human resources briefUsing your research develop a short one-page brief to send to the human resourcesdepartment outlining the requirement to conduct the training as part of the changemanagement process and the timing of the training.Your brief should include, as a minimum, the following:• The benefits of change management team building• Ideas for the content of the training that will take place• Experts who could assist in providing training• Ideas for team building exercises. Provide at least two exercises• How best to promote the training to staff• TimingYour brief should be no more than one page.Use the Human Resources Brief Template to guide your work

2. Send an email to the Human Resources Manager (your assessor).The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate(polite, business-like) style.The email text should give a summary of the attachment, and the changes that you havemade to the attachments.Attach your human resources brief to the email.

3. Send an email to all staff (your assessor)To inform your staff email, consider how you could best promote the training to staff toovercome resistance to change. Review change management literature to inform yourresponse. This may be the same literature you identified in Assessment Task 1.Outlining the rationale for the training, as well as the benefits of the training. Use theideas that you have researched to overcome resistance to change. Briefly outline some ofthe proposed ideas for the training.As a guide, your email should be between 3 to 4 paragraphs long

.4. Review and evaluate your change management planReview your change management plan and evaluate each section to determine changesthat need to be made based on the new activities identified.Make any changes to the plan that are appropriate.Save this document as Revised Change Management Plan

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