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Module 07 Assignment – Health Information Exchanges

Module 07 Assignment – Health Information Exchanges

Module 07 Assignment – Health Information Exchanges

Question Description

This assignment will result in two bulleted lists and a memo for patients. All can be placed into one Word Document for submission. In this assignment, imagine yourself in the role of a recently hired HIM Manager for LiveWell Hospital. You are the direct supervisor over Release of Information, Chart Completion and Clinical Documentation Improvement. You previously worked as an HIM coordinator and were on the front line when they adopted and deployed a Health Information Exchange (HIE), and this gave you a hiring advantage at LiveWell.

SCENE ONE: Ms. Clark, the HIM Director asks to see you in her office to review a possible project for you. LiveWell wants to adopt and roll-out an HIE with several facilities in the northern part of your state. She prefers that the Information Systems department oversee and manage the HIE project and indicates that she doesn’t believe that HIM professionals have the competency needed for an HIE roll-out. Your previous experience with HIE was very rewarding and successful – you interrupt Ms. Clark in your excitement and plead with her to let you oversee HIE at LiveWell. You explain that your previous experience convinced you that HIE belongs in the HIM department. Ms. Clark asks you to research and report back on the following two issues regarding HIE:

  1. Create a bulleted list that outlines HIM COMPETENCY to effectively manage an HIE roll-out.
  2. Prepare a 2nd bulleted list and ADVOCATE for HIE – she wants to better understand the benefits for the patient, the healthcare facility and the northern region of your state.

You leave Ms. Clark’s office and locate the following AHIMA article, HIE Management and Operational Considerations (Updated) and use it to respond to the above issues presented by Ms. Clark above.

SCENE TWO: The following month, Ms. Clark notifies you that based on your input and experience, the HIM department will oversee the roll-out of an HIE. She congratulates you and then indicates that she is concerned on how patients will accept an HIE – she feels that an HIE will scare patients and make them feel that their PHI (protected health information) is at risk. She asks you to:

  1. Create a one page memo to use with patients and their families which will explain
    1. How we participate in a regional medical records-sharing HIE.
    2. Why we participate in a regional medical records-sharing HIE
    3. Indicate how a patient’s information may be used and disclosed for the HIE.
    4. Include specific benefits to the patient of our clinic sharing their private health information with other health care providers.
    5. Include information on the privacy and security protections that are pertinent.
    6. The memo must be easy to read, well organized and proofed. This is a professional communication tool that will be seen by all of LiveWell’s patients.

Be sure to responsibly use citations for research sources and make sure your submission is free of spelling and grammar errors. Your completed submission will include:

  • two bulleted lists (#1 and #2 above)
  • a memo for patients (#3 above)


Learning Objectives

Determine what administrative information system is needed for a particular task.

Differentiate among the administrative information systems.

Differentiate between a decision support system and an executive information system.

Describe how administrative systems impact health information management practices.

Key Terms

Administrative information systems



Clinical documentation improvement (CDI)

Decision support system (DSS)

Enterprise master patient index (EMPI)

Executive information system (EIS)

Facilities management systems

Financial information system

Hospital information system

Human resources information system (HRIS)

Master patient index (MPI)

Materials management system

Patient registration system

Practice management system

Registration-admission, discharge, transfer (R-ADT)

Revenue cycle

Revenue cycle management

Scheduling system


Administrative information systems, which manage the business of healthcare, were the first information systems to be used in healthcare. The data collected in administrative information systems are mainly financial or business-oriented in nature, rather than clinical. The administrative information systems perform many tasks throughout healthcare organizations. Some administrative systems, such as the master patient index (MPI), are used by many departments and employees throughout the organization. Other administrative information systems, like the decision support system, are utilized only by a select group of authorized users. The hospital information system, the major information system used by a healthcare facility, is made up of many administrative systems, such as the financial information system and the MPI. The main administrative information systems are summarized in the following list. Each of these components will be discussed separately:

The financial information system monitors and controls the financial aspects of the healthcare facility.

The human resources information system (HRIS) tracks and manages all employees and other contracted personnel within the organization.

The decision support system (DSS) gathers data from a variety of sources to assist management and staff in decision-making tasks associated with the nonroutine and nonrepetitive problems.



Administrative Information Systems

The master patient index (MPI) provides a permanent record of patients treated at the healthcare facility.

The patient registration system collects information on patients receiving treatment.

The scheduling system allows the facility to make efficient use of resources such as operating rooms.

The practice management system combines a number of applications required to manage a physician practice.

The materials management system manages the supplies and equipment within the facility.

The facilities management system allows physical plant operations to control the automated systems within the facility for patient safety and comfort—that is, heating and air systems, automated key control, and preventive maintenance tasks such as testing fire extinguishers, elevator inspections, and the care of various equipment used in the healthcare facility.

Financial Information System

The financial information system is critical to the fiscal health of the healthcare facility. The healthcare facility must receive accurate financial information in a timely manner to monitor and manage the finances of the healthcare facility. This information can be used to plan and control the expenses of the day-to-day operations, as well as long-term investments.

The management of the accounts receivable and the accounts payable on a daily basis by the healthcare facility is known as revenue cycle management. The revenue cycle is a very complex process involving several departments and many employees who perform tasks of reviewing services provided for claims submitted as well as reviewing outstanding claims, returned claims, denials, missing accounts, bill holds, and other claims involving the revenue of the healthcare facility. Many health information management (HIM) professionals are involved in working with the revenue cycle in their facilities and some work for vendors who specialize in the area of revenue cycle management and clean-up as a business.

Financial Information System Functionality

The financial information system includes functions related to:

Patient accounting

Accounts receivable

Accounts payable

General ledger

Investment management

Contract management


Billing and claims management

The patient accounting module collects all of the charges related to patient care. Some charges, such as the patient’s room charge, are automatically generated, but others are created when nurses, respiratory therapists, and other staff enter charge information either through the financial information system or through a clinical information system that captures the information automatically and then shares it with the patient accounting system. These charges come from the chargemaster, shown in figure 7.1. A chargemaster is a financial management form or software that contains information about the healthcare facility’s charges for the services it provides to patients (also called a charge description master [CDM]). The chargemaster automates the coding process for routine procedures such as laboratory tests and radiology examinations. Attached to each of these codes is the charge associated with the service. This amount and other charges recorded are used to determine the amount of money charged to the patient’s account. For example, a healthcare facility may charge $100 for a chest x-ray. The information system then generates the bill and submits it to the third-party payer. The patient accounting system also generates the discharged not final billed report, which lists the patient accounts that have not been billed.

Financial Information System


Figure 7.1. Example of a chargemaster


Source: Pilato 2013.

Because the chargemaster has such an impact on the healthcare facility, periodic updates are required. The classification system codes must be updated annually; HIM professionals must ensure that their respective chargemaster updates are completed annually by the healthcare facility’s information systems (IS) department when the software updates are received. Otherwise, charges billed can mean a loss of revenue to the healthcare facility. Once the updates are performed on schedule, the healthcare facility is reimbursed the amount they are owed based on their particular geographic region of the country.

Accounts payable records what the healthcare facility owes to others. This amount may be a refund to a patient or an insurance company, or it may be payment to companies that provide supplies and equipment to the healthcare facility.

The general ledger records debits and credits to the various accounts managed by the financial information system. All of the financial transactions are recorded for the time frame. These transactions include receipt of payment, payroll, and disbursements.

Healthcare facilities invest their excess cash. The investment management features of the financial information system track the investment accounts and analyze the return on the investments. Changes to the investment portfolio can be made according to the findings.

Healthcare facilities sign many contracts, including those with software vendors, insurance companies, businesses that purchase healthcare services, and many other companies. The contract management portion of the financial information system can track particulars such as who the contract is with and expiration dates. The information that comes from the financial information system is used to negotiate managed care contracts and monitor the impact of the contract based on information such as the number of patients, amount of revenue, cost of care, and whether or not the facility is making money on the contract.

The last module of the financial information system to be discussed is the payroll functions. Payroll functions include tracking employees, salaries, taxes to be deducted, taxes to be paid, health insurance deductions, life insurance deductions, and direct deposits. The payroll functions would need to track salary increases and changes in deduction from one year to another.

The information is also used to generate financial reports that are needed by the healthcare facility’s management staff. The financial information also provides the balance sheet, statement of revenue and


Administrative Information Systems

expense, cost reports, and illustrates cash flow. These financial reports can assist in the pricing of services rendered, control inventory, analyses of productivity of staff, and other purposes.

Impact on HIM

The coding professional staff will populate the diagnosis and procedure codes either through direct data entry or from an interface to an encoder. HIM and coding staff have always played an integral part in the financial viability of the healthcare facility. This is particularly true with the completed transition to International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) and International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS). Extensive and continuous training is required to maintain optimal skill in identifying the correct and appropriate diagnostic and procedural codes. With the massive increase in the number of codes due to increased specificity in ICD-10, coders must be thoroughly trained in anatomy and pathophysiology to assign the precise codes. However, codes can only be as accurate as the documentation allows. Clinical documentation improvement (CDI) is the process an organization undertakes that will improve clinical specificity and documentation that will allow coding professionals to assign more concise disease and procedural classification codes. The quality of this documentation is vital in order to properly evaluate patient care, meet all regulatory requirements, and obtain the appropriate amount of reimbursement. Because quality documentation, whether it be paper or electronic, is one of the cornerstones of the HIM profession, it is essential for the HIM and coding staff to be integral in all phases of CDI.

HIM professionals should also be involved in the development and management of the chargemaster. Services are added to and removed from the chargemaster as the services provided by the facility change. Both ICD-10 and current procedural terminology (CPT) classification codes are updated on a regular basis. These changes must be implemented and verified within the facility’s chargemaster. In addition, the monetary value associated with each code must also be confirmed. Upwards of 700 new, revised, and deleted codes have been implemented for the 2018 fiscal year (CMS 2017).

Analysis of chargemaster data can indicate changes in billing time frames, productivity of coding submissions, reimbursement denials, diagnoses, and procedures that are most resource-intensive or cost-effective. The analysis of the billing and coding information and reports will help both HIM and finance departments to conduct performance improvement activities to become more efficient.

Human Resources Information System

A healthcare facility requires many staff members in order to operate. Many healthcare facilities operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Because of staffing requirements, payroll expenses make up a large part of the operating budget. This large outlay of cash demands strong management of the human resources department within the organization.


The HRIS tracks employees within the organization. This tracking includes promotions, transfers, terminations, performance appraisal due dates, and absenteeism. The individual data elements collected include:

Employee name

Employee number




Benefit information

Hire date

Results of performance appraisal

Previous titles

Termination date


Disciplinary actions

Eligibility for rehire

Human Resources Information System


These elements and other data are used to create a permanent record for the healthcare facility. This information is used to manage current staff and to verify that past employees worked at the healthcare facility. The HRIS data will track the benefits that an employee has selected, such as family healthcare plan, dental insurance, long-term disability insurance, and retirement. The HRIS will be able to track the utilization of staff by department, job title, or other grouping. The human resources staff would have access to the records of all employees, whereas the various department directors should have access only to those employees reporting to that director.

Department managers may use an automated timekeeping system for their employees when staff members clock in and out. This HRIS tracks the hours per week worked by pay period. Human resources and managers can then use the HRIS to determine sick time, vacation time, and benefit time per employee.

The HRIS can also assist with the hiring process. For example, the HRIS can track résumés and applications submitted by potential employees. The information system can compare the skills and education of the candidate with those of the other applicants, thus speeding up the hiring process.

Reporting is important in the HRIS. Reporting features can be used to track items such as turnover rate, open positions, labor costs, benefits, budget, or overtime. The healthcare facility may also track employee satisfaction and report on the findings of the surveys. Many facilities offer in-house educational opportunities to employees and attendance at these events is tracked within the HRIS software. These might include optional educational seminars to advance managers with training and development skills. Other workshops might include cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training classes for staff. The HRIS software may also track mandated classes for all employees that require annual attendance such as fire and safety classes, OSHA standards, privacy and security training, and so forth. Department directors can then easily use the reporting function to assess the attendance within their own departments as well as results of these educational classes by their employees annually.

Impact on HIM

HIM department staff do not use the HRIS; however, the HIM director may use HRIS to generate reports, perform queries, review applications, and perform other tasks related to the HIM department staff.


1. Which part of an administrative information system would be able to identify which surgeries are most profitable for the healthcare facility?

a. Encoder

b. Decision support

c. Financial management

d. Practice management

2. Which information system assists the coding professional in selecting the appropriate code?

a. Encoder

b. Decision support

c. Chargemaster

d. Practice management

3. Which information system would be able to identify employee turnover rates in all departments within the healthcare facility?

a. Decision support

b. Revenue cycle

c. Human resources information system

d. Materials management


Administrative Information Systems


4. Typically, a chargemaster is updated from software on a(n) ______________ basis.

a. Annual

b. Quarterly

c. Monthly

d. Weekly

5. Which classification system updates must be implemented and evaluated annually in a facility’s chargemaster?

a. ICD-10-CM

b. ICD-10-PCS

c. CPT

d. All of the above

Decision Support System

The DSS, as defined earlier, is an information system that gathers data from a variety of sources and assists in providing structure to the data by using various analytical models and visual tools in order to facilitate and improve the ultimate outcome in decision-making tasks associated with the nonroutine and nonrepetitive problems. It is also used to solve structured problems. This means that the DSS is not used to schedule staff, determine inventory levels, or perform other routine decisions, but rather to make decisions about whether to open a new women’s health center or a geriatric center. Other decisions that may be candidates for the DSS are whether or not to add new examination rooms in the emergency department or to open new operating rooms. To make these decisions, the DSS utilizes the data in the data repositories and data warehouses. The DSS uses models to run analyses such as “what if” to determine what would happen if certain decisions were made or to forecast the future. For example, the DSS would evaluate the profit or loss that would occur if a hospital added an extra patient room in the emergency department. It would take into consideration extra costs, extra patients, reduced wait times, extra staff, and more.

Executive Information System

The executive information system (EIS) is a type of decision support system that is designed to be used by healthcare administrators. As such, it must be easy to use and have access to a wide range of data. With the EIS, a lot of graphs and charts generally are used as part of the results. Advantages of the EIS include:

Improved competitiveness of the healthcare facility

Knowledge of the healthcare facility

Making information available to authorized users throughout the healthcare facility

Assistance in making strategic decisions about the healthcare facility

The EIS assists the administrator and other top administration staff in making quick decisions. To generate the data manually that the EIS generates with a few clicks of the mouse would take days.

A dashboard report gives administration-structured information to make intelligent decisions for the future. In this example, administration can view the dashboard report and see from the diagnostic-related groups (DRGs) and the length of stay (LOS) what the facility was actually reimbursed and what it actually cost the facility to treat the patient. The last columns give administration an idea of the profit that was expected versus the actual profit made. This type of report is useful to administration in planning for the future to make decisions.

Figure 7.2 shows an example of an EIS dashboard report. Administrators can view detailed data by types of graphs that are selected, depending on the software used. For this example, several bar charts and graphics are used. Administrators can easily view an EIS dashboard report and see the practice performance activity of the physician highlighted. In this case, performance is evaluated by identifying patient load, wait

Master Patient Index


times for the patients, satisfaction survey results, and general patient demographic information. The same measures can be used to evaluate and compare all the other physicians listed across the top of the screen. Administrators must focus on the fluctuating monthly patient load and the differences in monthly wait times for various physicians. The data from this EIS planning tool is a visual representation to administration of where the problem is greatest and where the priority should be focused. The HIM department may or may not use the DSS depending on the type of DSS and the data stored within it.

Figure 7.2. EIS dashboard showing physician practice performance with bar charts


Source: iDashboards n.d. Reprinted with permission.

Master Patient Index

The MPI is part of the hospital information system. It is a patient-identifying directory, referencing all patients related to a healthcare facility, that also serves as a link to the patient health record or information, facilitates patient identification, and assists in maintaining a longitudinal patient record from birth to death. The MPI identifies every patient who has been admitted to the healthcare facility, and it is the key to locating all patient health records. The MPI lists patient names and health record numbers and cross-references them. An MPI is to be kept permanently as mandated by legal statutes. The information contained within the MPI was originally limited to demographics that could readily distinguish between any two patients as not having the same health record. These data include both demographic data and visit-specific information. The demographic information will include data such as the patient name. The visit information will include items such as discharge date. The data contained in the MPI include:

Internal patient identification (that is, health record number)

Person name (legal name with given name, surname, initial, suffixes, and prefixes)

Date of birth



Administrative Information Systems




Telephone number (where patient can be reached)

Alias, previous, or maiden names

Social security number

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